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We’ve all heard about the importance of talking through issues that occur in our lives, rather than keeping them bottled up inside. As humans, we are always striving to be better and almost always have personal goals we are working towards achieving. However, it’s not always easy to hold yourself accountable for those goals. How many New Year’s resolutions have you actually stuck with, for example? Whether you are starting a new business, are looking for a new career path or are simply feeling stuck in a rut, a life coach can help you to set goals and plan for your future.

What is a Life Coach?

Unlike a therapist who uses psychotherapy to deal with past traumas, emotional behaviors and thoughts, a life coach focuses more on the future and creating confidence in an individual through motivation and goal-setting. While there can be some overlap between the two, it is important to note that therapists and life coaches take different approaches to their work. Life coaches are not required to hold a degree as a therapist would be, but they are encouraged to hold a certification through an accredited program, such as the International Coaching Federation.

Many different types of people use life coaches, for varying reasons. Whether you have a career-related goal or a personal goal, life coaches offer a great support system and help you identify and set goals, as well as hold you accountable for achieving them. Speaking with someone trained in life coaching will provide you with mental clarity and a strong support system. A strong support system is important with any life change, small or large, and can be a great stress relief.

Typically, people meet with their life coach twice a month, although it is not uncommon to schedule phone calls in place of in-person meetings. A life coach is meant to help you tap into your full potential, so you can expect conversations to offer new perspectives and provide you with a tangible action plan for achieving your goals.

Performers, athletes, business professionals and ordinary people all have coaches. Not many successful people have gotten where they are today without a strong support system. Life coaching provides a great deal of support, helping you to visualize your goals and working with you on a game plan to get there. When we have this support system to hold us accountable, anything is possible.